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CBD and Your Skin

CBD and Your Skin
Balance from the inside out and outside in is what we strive for around the farm at Treadwell Farms. But what does that even mean?

If you have been following us, by now, you already know how CBD works and the impact it has on helping your body maintain balance. If you’re new to CBD, you can learn about CBD in our blog: What is CBD? Breaking Down Its Healing Potential.

We’ve been focused on CBD extracts and gummies for the last year to help you find balance from the inside out. However, these past few months, our manufacturing team has been focusing on helping you find balance from the outside in with our newest line of Fresh from Florida CBD topical products, and more are coming soon!

But why? Because your skin is your largest organ! And ongoing research indicates that your endocannabinoid system is also responsible for many key functions of the skin, like oil production, pigmentation, pain, and much more. Using CBD directly on your skin may help:
  • Soothe your skin, especially inflammation
  • Counteract damage from free-radicals
  • Improve signs of aging
  • Improve skin dullness
  • Prevent moisture loss when applied to dry skin

Additionally, our topicals are made with a carefully selected blend of organic essential oils to combine their benefits with the power of CBD.

So, now not only can you take CBD for the inside of your body, but you can also apply it directly where you need it most!

Still, have questions? Check out our blog Cannabis Topicals: More Than Skin Deep Benefits?.
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